
Dr. Christi Jin, L.Ac, OMD
Licensed Acupuncturist in NJ & NY
Dr. Jin is a National Board Certified acupuncturist and O.M.D.(Oriental Medicine Doctor) licensed in NY & NJ. Dr. Jin lectures on acupuncture in New York College of Health Professions. Dr Jin holds a Ph. D in Acupuncture. She has practiced in the Hospital of The Traditional Chinese Medicine University while lecturing the attending college students.

Director of WFCMS
World Federation of Chinese Medicine Societies
Dr. Jin has been elected as a member of the Board of Directors for World Federation of Chinese Medicine Societies (WFCMS).
Dr. Jin was awarded first place with her research about acupuncture treatment for paralysis from Education Board of China.
Dr. Jin made presentations at 2004 World Acupuncture Conference in Gold Coast-Australia and at 2005 AAOM International Conference & Exposition in Chicago – Illinois with her research.
DR Jin specializes in Pain Management, Insomnia, Depression, Anxiety and Infertility.